We strive to make the data information contained in our website as accurately as possible. However, it is for guidance only, please be aware the consultation fees and other details can be changed by health professionals any time they wish. Since this is a free website and is not funded by anyone apart from myself, there will be limitations about the data details in the website. These limitations can be improved (ultimately will benefit you and your family) if users notify me any errors, send me receipts of medical consults (make sure you block your own details) or any updates, there is a easy link in CONTACT US for you to do that. Please note our website list mainly consultation fees, any procedures and/or tests done by specialists often attract additional charges. Ultimately it is the responsibility of users to double-check the fees and all other details while making appointments, and consult with your own GP for any queries. Seekmedi.com will not be liable for any loss resulting from any actions or decisions by you while accessing our website.